Work-of-art wines
Winegrowers and artists have many things in common. Come and discover them at Poderi Morini. The most authentic Romagna. Since 1998.
Poderi Morini was established in 1998, when winery founder Alessandro Morini committed himself to the art of winemaking, with the support of his father Natale and his wife Daniela. Right from those first years, his challenge was to use, preserve, and promote Romagna’s native grape varieties.
Thus, his first two wines, Sangiovese Riserva Nonno Rico and the Innamorato passito wine. Production grows steadily, through vinification of only the finest grapes, guided by two of our most trusted experts, agronomist: Luciano Lusa and winemaker Sergio Ragazzini.

Our blank canvas
The Poderi Morini vineyards sink their roots into the Romagna 'Spungone', a calcareous-sandstone marine tuff, a sponge-like soil layered on the local hillslopes, which are caressed by breezes from the Adriatic Sea and winds from the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines.
This unique terroir is the blank canvas on which our native grapes, which we have recovered and preserved, artfully express their colours, aromas, and flavours.
Our Manifesto
“We’re adding value to the Romagna we love.”
Winemakers and artists have many things in common. Our terroir, for example, is very much our blank canvas, our grape varieties are the colours of our palette. Our art is always a question of choices, balance, equilibriums, transformations. Each art piece is unique, in its own way.
These considerations generate our own vision of wine.
We want to communicate a Romagna that is not simply riviera, entertainment, and tourist destinations, but one that is also a steward of history and culture, a Romagna that pulsates with winemaking and artistic creation, from our array of native grapes to the artworks we select to grace our wine labels.
This is a modern, dynamic Romagna, looking towards the future, a region that cherishes its traditions yet breaks its rules, because only in this way, inspired by the courage to go “beyond borders,” do new currents emerge. A Romagna we love.
We are members of the Consorzio Tutela dei Vini di Romagna (Consortium for the Protection of Romagna Wines), and on Vinitaly’s 50th anniversary, Italian President Sergio Mattarella named winery founder Alessandro Morini Ambassador of Romagna Wines.
Work-of-art labels
When we speak of the interior areas of Romagna, art and wine are on the same footing. For this reason, right from the founding of the winery in 1998, we have nourished relationships with numerous artists, whom we have commissioned to taste our wines and to design for them unique, distinctive work-of-art labels.
At the time, that move was seen as an extravagance, a whimsical deviation, amidst so many “classic” wine labels, heavy with heraldry and coats-of-arms. Today, that is a choice that we deliberately make every day with pride and conviction, since it reflects our vision and makes Poderi Morini a winery recognisable across the globe, thanks to the contributions of:
Our wines
Our production
Our dedication to recovering millennia-old native grape varieties, without neglecting Romagna’s now-classic grapes, our commitment in both the vineyard and the winecellar–all combine to contribute to the production of superb, distinctive wines that embody the timeless qualities of our Romagna!
The latest News
Keep up to date on everything that’s happening at Poderi Morini: special events, notices, and information that could be of great interest to you!